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Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005

Marriot Tech Center, Denver Colorado
September 30, October 1 & 2, 2005

Ted Linblad of High End Audio, Vince Sanders of VRS Audio Server fame,
Robert Maick of Sistrum Platforms and Rick Schultz of Virtual Dynamics
formed a sonic alliance that proved one of the best sounds at the show.
The Duevel Jupiter loudspeakers ($27k) were sounding exquisite in this suite
replete with Sistrum platforms under everything except the chairs. ...
First off, the Jupiter's possessed an uncanny ability to focus instruments
on the outside of their physical plane in a way that I've not heard from anything else
except perhaps the big MBLs.
This was super musical ...

Intimately aware of all of these components less the VRS Music Server,
I was astonished by the overall musicality the Duevels presented via
these worthy components. If synergy has a trademark this must have been it.

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HighEndAudio.com had their award winning Duevel line of loudspeakers (see review of the Duevel Bella Luna here), Thor Audio tube amplification, Star Sound Technology resonance control devices, and the VRS Audio Server. The system came alive and sounded great in a proper room as they struggled in the Munich make shift room on the show's main floor.

HighEndAudio's room became a safe haven for our frustration, curing us with a VRS music server, Thor amplification, Virtual Dynamics cables and Duevel loudspeakers, a setup soothing to mind and body. Ted Lindblad moved around by cane, having injured his back packing up the Duevels to transport them to Denver. We uploaded a few tracks to the VRS hard drive and were good to go. The unique radiation pattern of the Duevels provided a very enveloping sound in the large room. In the back, we spotted a few guitar amps by Palette. ...

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