zurück zur Galerie - back to the gallery < Frankfurt 2002 Las Vegas 2004 >



Standout Room - Duevel

Capitalizing on an unconventional design, Germany's Duevel showcased its Bella Luna Diamante loudspeakers to great effect. The 360-degree radiation pattern produced by each speaker provided remarkable sound both in the sweet spot and waaay off axis -- not an easy feat. The system was driven by the company's brand-new solid-state Shuttle integrated amplifier and a modified, proprietary CD player. A company spokesman stated that oftentimes customers use Duevel speakers with tube amplification, but equal success with solid-state amplifiers could be obtained. This was a feature the company wanted to highlight throughout the show, and they accomplished their mission with the Shuttle.

Duevel was able to do what many exhibitors failed to do: produce dimensional yet cohesive sound for everyone in their room regardless of listener position.

Loudspeaker-maker Duevel showed its first solid-state integrated amplifier. The Shuttle includes a MM/MC phono stage, uses zero negative feedback, and is said to deliver 70Wpc into 8 ohms. A black faceplate is also available.


Auch in diesem Jahr wieder eines der besten Hörerlebnisse auf der Messe.
Die Rundumstrahler haben in der Szene einen Ausnahmestatus erreicht.
Vorgeführt wurde mit Scheulaufwerk und neuem Scheuarm sowie
neuem Transistor-Verstärker CD Duevel.

Francfort 2003
Par Jean Marie Willigens

Du côté des plus jeunes, j'admire les platines et bras Scheu; leur concepteur n'est pas là pour le moment , mais il se trouve que mon interlocuteur s'avère être le Dr. Feickert , qui coiffe l'effort de "démocratisation vinylique" de cette marque, qui vend des kits DIY et maintenant un bras (en plexiglas) à des prix relativement abordables. Jeune, mais passionné comme un vieux brisquard!

Dr. Feickert, Scheu-analogue

Duevel speakers, stralen rondom af, de drivers liggen horizontaal en het geluid wordt afgebogen door een hoorn, leuk concept, geen sweet spot maar persoonlijk houden we toch van een meer gefocussed geluidsbeeld, de geluidsdruk wordt rondom verdeeld en is daarom wat slapjes.

As recently announced within the Enjoy the Music.com™ Industry News page, Duevel's new integrated amplifier... and also their amazing Bella Luna hornspeaker. Please feel free to see our review by clicking here.

HIGH END de Frankfort 2003 - a eu lieu du 26 au 29 Mai

De la couleur au choix pour
l'enceinte omnidirectionnelle
la Bella luna de


additional photos:

click to enlarge.
High End equipment 2003 High End equipment 2003 Bella Luna - Shuttle
Jupiter - Merlin Scheu-premier Benz-micro

zurück zur Galerie - back to the gallery < Frankfurt 2002 Las Vegas 2004 >