hifi-tunes - Germany 2007
Cai Brockmann
... Die Bella Luna stellt schließlich nichts weniger als die geschickteste Verknüpfung beider konzeptuellen Stärken dar, die mir bisher untergekommen ist. Sie liefert, wenn man so will, sowohl Fisch als auch Fleisch in herausragender Qualität und bereichert den hifidelen Speiseplan um eine außerordentlich schmackhafte Variation.
... Und siehe da: Die Bella Luna pumpt bei Bedarf höchst standfeste, bestens organisierte Bässe in den Raum, die erstaunlich tief in den Keller hinabreichen. Sie transportiert sämtliche grob- und feindynamischen Aufträge ohne irgendein Zeichen des Einknickens. Und bei besonders trocken abgemischten Aufnahmen wette ich, dass hier niemand mit verbundenen Augen auf einen Rundumstrahler tippen würde, sondern vielmehr auf eine Live-Darbietung.
Stereo Times - USA 2005
Greg Petan:
As my pick for this year’s Most Wanted Component, the Duevel Jupiter can only be described as a triumph in mechanical engineering and musical performance.
6moons - USA 2005
Jules Coleman:
I wanted to get serious but the Jupiter wouldn't let me. I wanted to investigate and it kept imploring me to have fun instead. The Jupiter won out which is to say that, above all else, it is a most enjoyable loudspeaker in no small measure because it plays all kinds of music with equal aplomb.
Bruno Fazzini:
Bella Luna diamante:
Home Theater and High Fidelity - USA 2004
Jason Victor Serinus:
The Bella Luna's omni-directionality is everything it's claimed to be. As I moved around my large living room, the image did change in size and character, but I never had the sense that I was "outside the soundstage" or that the imaging perspective was all mixed up. Rather, the music remained as a piece no matter where I stood. It's a wonderful experience to move around without losing a sense of air, depth, and coherency. Omni-directionality makes the Duevel Bella Luna a great speaker for both serious and casual listening.
Audiofile - Malaysia 2004
M.K. Chong:
My wife poked her head around the corner and remarked, "I like these. They sound natural."
The Duevel Venus does more towards bringing its audience closer to the heart of the musical experience rather than expose minutiae with an ultra-definition palette. I found myself listening to more music than I usually do during my requisite time with a component - and more varied types of music at that.
6moons - USA 2004
Ken Micallef:
The Duevel Shuttle Non-Feedback Integrated Amplifier does many things extremely well. Its bass extension will give amps triple its price a serious comeuppance, its soundstaging is first rate. I also found the Shuttle to be dynamically more powerful than its rated 70wpc would have suggested. It loved the boogie, nightlife and pounding pulse of hot audio sex and dance music depth charges. But it could also play it quiet and sweet if you had the right speaker to charm its solid-state heart.
Audio Arts - Taiwan 2003
Bella Luna is like an artfully cup of Cappuccino. It puts away the strong stimulation of Espresso, and it also avoids the milky sweetness of Latte - in addition to the proper balanced mixture of coffee and milk, Bella Luna decorates the milk bubble with a beautiful flower.
Ultra Audio - USA 2003
Jules Coleman:
Given a choice between a product of exceptional merit and one of magic, I'll take magic every time. While one can admire, appreciate, and respect an exceptional product, a magical one touches the soul. The Duevel Venus loudspeaker is neither perfect nor exceptional, but it is magical.
i-audio - Singapore 2003:
I would dare say that the Bella Lunas come very close in offering what both an electrostatic and horn loudspeakers can both do but separately. High transparency with 3-D imaging coupled with an unimposing size, you're practically baking your own cake and eating it! Anybody wanting to play with either horns or electrostatics without the imposing size of the former and humidity affecting the latters's diaphragm, Duevel offers the best of both worlds with the penalties.
6moons - USA 2003
John Potis:
Saying that I'll miss these speakers once they are gone seems trite. It is trite. But dammit, it's true.
The Duevel Bella Luna Diamante combines terrific coherency and transparency with wonderful spatial dimensionality, life-like detail and ease. For all their sonic precision, once broken in, they are remarkably easy to position and their omni-directional dispersion pattern makes them indescribably easy to live with in real-world rooms and homes.
Hifi - Great Britain 2002
Jason Hector:
I have enjoyed having these speakers to review. They have really impressed me with their natural sound and excellent treble, especially their capabilities with vocals which regularly stopped me in my tracks if I was trying to do anything else while music was playing.
Enjoy the music - USA 2001
Steven R. Rochlin:
i saw and heard my dream! It was a revelation that was not soon forgotten. In fact the Duevel room was awarded the coveted Enjoy the Music.com™ Best Of Show Award! So what made this experience so special as to rise above the other rooms? Glorious harmonics, extreme clarity, a great sense of scale and dynamics... just to name a few of the traits.
Hörerlebnis - Germany 2000
Robert Schmitz-Nienhaus:
Spritzig und lebendig, im Baß eher schlank als wuchtig, dafür trocken und recht tief. Federleichter, sehr räumlicher Klang mit typischem Rundumstrahler - Suchtpotential, weil kein Schalldruck den Ohren zur Last wird. Der Lautsprecher scheut keine kleinen Räume und steht ebenso in mittelgroßen seinen souveränen Mann.
Hörerlebnis - Germany 1999
Marco Kolks:
Die natürliche Musikreproduktion eines Rundumstrahlers hängt im wesentlichen von einer zeit- und phasenkonstanten Abstrahlung ab. Mit der Bella Luna hat CD-Konzertmöbel ein System auf den Markt gebracht, das sich in großen wie auch kleinen Räumen wohl fühlt und hier mit einer sehr freien, völlig unaufdringlichen und natürlichen Wiedergabe überzeugt.
Hörerlebnis - Germany 1998
Marco Kolks:
Die, die den gemeinsamen Weg mit der Jupiter in eine klangliche gehaltvolle Zukunft gehen, legen das Thema Lautsprecher ad acta. Sie kaufen einmal und für immer. Und sie werden sich garantiert von konventionellen Lösungen verabschieden.